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Russ Meyer's Vixen - Trailer

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  • Russ Meyer's Vixen - Trailer

    Amid the cultural upheaval of the late 1960s, Russ Meyer transcended the sexploitation genre by crafting this "bosomacious melodrama" (Time Magazine) about racism, communism, bush pilots and draft dodgers.

  • Russ Meyer's SuperVixens - Trailer

    Russ Meyer returns to his camp roots in this "sort of sequel" to his 1968 wildly successful hit Vixen. When a hot-blooded wife and a psychotic cop come together, it ignites a cross-country odyssey of violence, vengeance and relentless coitus.

  • Russ Meyer's Beneath the Valley of th...

    The final feature produced, photographed, edited and directed by Russ Meyer is a wicked take on Our Town that presents an unwashed look at Small Town USA, complete with faith healers, war criminals, bosom buddies and the quest for sexual salvation.