Isolated from the outside world, fifteen-year-old Lara (Hannah Rae) lives in seclusion on a vast country estate with her father and strict governess Miss Fontaine (Jessica Raine). Late one evening, a mysterious carriage crash brings an enigmatic young girl into their home to recuperate. Lara immediately becomes fascinated by this strange visitor who arouses her curiosity and awakens her burgeoning desires.
Inspired by the 1872 Gothic vampire novella by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, CARMILLA had its world premiere at the Edinburgh International Film where it was nominated for Best British Feature Film.
“CARMILLA is beautiful – every frame looks like it’s shot at golden hour, with soft warm sun almost seeming to glow through the cast. CARMILLA oozes sensuality, but not to the male gaze. CARMILLA is actively feminine and feminist – even the most racy of moments focuses more on breath on skin and the heat of bodies than it does on breasts or lips meeting. This film alone should be a poster child for allowing women to make films about women – it shows, and it makes all the difference in the world.” –Horror Buzz